Horoscope for Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Horoscope for Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Venus and Jupiter are at angle today. Unexpected occurrences involving relationships will happen. Relationships are not restricted to those involving romance. People have relationships with money, business, food, spirituality, cars, and any number of other things. We will be on the lookout for something to happen that will change the direction of one of our relationships. But, the Sun and Mars will be making an angle to each other today that may make us feel a bit tied down. Fortunately, with the Moon in Libra, we will realize that the effort that we put in to our desires will be in direct proportion to what we get.
The Word of the Day is RECOUNT. Going back over how we feel about our associations is one way to better our life’s progress today.
The Color of the Day is BERRY SMOOTHIE. (It’s light purple.) Zero in on identifying relationship imperfections, wearing something in the color of a refreshing berry smoothie today.