Horoscope for Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Horoscope for Tuesday, August 26, 2014
There is an ongoing conjunction between Mars and Saturn that started last week and will continue as a coloring influence throughout this week. Some people will get aggravated about their everyday jobs, while others find that it is their ideal time to take care of responsibilities. Today Venus is thrown into the mix, which could manifest in two different ways, also: either people will become more argumentative than usual, or they’re going to feel good about being conscientious. With the Moon in Virgo we will want to work out the finer details of our plans, analyzing and manipulating until perfected.
The Word of the Day is RESPONSIBLE. Taking care of people and things makes us feel good today.
The Color of the Day is OOLONG. (It’s golden brown.) Hefting the weight of other people’s problems comes easier today if we wear the color of oolong tea.