Horoscope for Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Horoscope for Tuesday, August 19, 2014
People are going to want to carry discussions to great lengths today. The Moon is in the most talkative sign, Gemini, throughout the day. With Mercury in aspect to Jupiter, people will be thinking a lot about the things they want to do and the chances or risks they might take. Secrets will be freed from the confines of the imagination stage of creativity. So, we may want to take extra care to not tell too much, for fear that someone may want to discourage us from our dreams.
The Word of the Day is ASSOCIATE. Today’s planetary angles promote a day to open our hearts to other people’s dreams and to seriously consider the validity of their ideas and suggestions.
The Color of the Day is WISTERIA. (It’s vivid, yet light, violet.) If we find something in the color wisteria to wear today, the romance of imagination will be enhanced!