Horoscope for Today April 10
Horoscope for Today: April 10
Throughout this week Mercury and Venus have been making an angle to each other that urges us to take some time for ourselves, so by today, if we haven’t given ourselves some room to breathe, we could start to get really tired. Also, over the past few days the Sun and Venus have been moving toward an angle to each other that gives relationships some unexpected irritations, annoyances or just quirks. The Moon will be void-of-course for a long time today. Click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone. To best enjoy the day we should let our minds wander freely without the restrictions of schedules.
The Word of the Day is DISCRETION. Tread lightly today.
The Color of the Day is BRITISH RACING GREEN. (It’s rich medium green.) Call in Mercury’s good communicative abilities today by wearing something in the color British racing green.