Horoscope for Thursday, September 4, 2014
Horoscope for Thursday, September 4, 2014
The Sun and Mars will be making a quick angle to each other today that will alert us to better routes to take to get things done most efficiently. Pluto, the planet of transformation was activated by the Sun yesterday, and will continue its force throughout the day today, while the Moon in Capricorn passes by it. We look at things from a critical eye, and assess whether we need to go back and restructure, or if we’re standing on stable enough grounds to continue.
The Word of the Day is WIELD. Force and control course through our bodies with spicy vigor today. Pull out the stops and get things done!
The Color of the Day is ORANGE PEEL. (It’s just a bit lighter and more textured than medium orange.) We can get invigorating energy by wearing something in the color orange peel today!