Horoscope for Thursday, September 11, 2014
Horoscope for Thursday, September 11, 2014
The Sun and Saturn will be making an angle to each other that will guide our day. This creates an opportunity for us to feel good about the responsibilities we’re shouldering. We should be energized and able to tackle business requirements. But, distractions exist today, as the Moon will be void-of-course for quite a while in Aries, a sign ruled by the energetic planet Mars. (click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone.) Frustration or upheavals may occur if we try to stick to routine. This period of time will be a perfect opportunity to take up other projects, to go to other places, and to do other things!
The Word of the Day is BREATHE. Step back from the last couple of day’s velocity.
The Color of the Day is WALNUT. (It’s medium brown.) Keep our feet on the ground and our conversations productive by finding something in the color walnut to wear today.