Horoscope for Thursday, October 9, 2014
Horoscope for Thursday, October 9, 2014
Mars and Jupiter are making an angle to each other that will carry the momentum of the Full Moon and eclipse today. This angle adds to our impulsive drives and gives us the liveliness to get things done. But, the Moon will be in Taurus today which will keep the pace a bit steadier, and will smooth any feathers that were ruffled over the past couple of days. Thus, our frustration levels should become much lower. It will be a good day for having anything to do with money or material things. Taurus loves to indulge!
The Word of the Day is WIN. Mars and Jupiter are at angle, sparking vitality and adding exuberance to our day!
The Color of the Day is LOGANBERRY. (It’s a purplish-red.) Gather confidence and exuberance by finding something in our closets in the color loganberry to wear.