Horoscope for Thursday, October 30, 2014
Horoscope for Thursday, October 30, 2014
Saturn will be passing by a star of the constellation Centaurus. This will be a background influence over the next couple of weeks, because it will take Saturn a while to get beyond the star. What is going to happen is that we will be able to achieve our goals, but under many circumstances we’re going to have to sacrifice something so that we can progress. It may be as logical as the giving of our time or work ethic for the accomplishment. Or we may have to step back and seriously consider whether we want to give something else up in order to succeed.
The Word of the Day is STUDY. Preparing to take our next steps, we should slow down and contemplate our plans of action today.
The Color of the Day is COFFEE BEAN. (It’s rich, glossy brown.) Wearing the color coffee bean will open structured pathways for us to uncover our best goal direction.