Horoscope for Thursday, November 27, 2014
Horoscope for Thursday, November 27, 2014
The Sun and Neptune are in aspect today. This configuration represents a drive to uncover the inner workings that illustrate how we can best attain an ideal life through the changes we make. Therefore, we should pay attention to any flashes of insight we get today, even though they may be painful because they are showing us the way to create a more beautiful, better existence for ourselves. The Moon in Aquarius retains the quirky atmosphere from yesterday. It will be a day that we should all enjoy whatever freedom we have and to do whatever we want to do to fulfill our goals.
The Word of the Day is ASCERTAIN. By paying attention to clues, we discover we can make adjustments that enhance our lives. The key is in determining which thoughts are the best ones to act upon.
The Color of the Day is PINK-ORANGE. (It’s a rosy light orange.) Bring out the glow of the Sun at angle to Neptune, by wearing pink-orange.