Horoscope for Thursday, June 12, 2014
Horoscope for Thursday, June 12, 2014
Spiritual fulfillment continues to preside over this week! Our focus is on the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini that oppose each other late today/early tomorrow creating the Full Moon!
The Fire and Air elements of this Full Moon will, over the next month, cause us to aspire to greater goals. For many of us the next couple of weeks will be a time of planning to make our dreams come true! For today, people will strive to balance desires with getting things done that we need to do.
The Word of the Day is QUEST. The Full Moon drives our energy to motivate us to finish up projects with gusto!
The Color of the Day is BUTTER. (It’s creamy, rich yellow.) Attract the unusual, yet powerful energy of the Full Moon to fulfill our destinies today by wearing the color butter.