Intuitive Tarot Reading 16 July 2014
Daily Oracle Card Reading for July 17, 2014

Horoscope for Thursday, July 17, 2014

Horoscope for Thursday, July 17, 2014

People will be impulsive and aggressive today. With yesterday’s entrance of Jupiter into Leo, we’re going to be inspired with our increased life force. And today, the Moon will be in Aries and the Sun will square Mars. When all of these transits come together to guide our day, people are going to act quickly, abruptly, and they’re probably going to be short-tempered. The potential for great happenings is there today; we just need to make sure we don’t ruffle anybody’s feathers along the way.

The Word of the Day is IMPULSION. Revel in the forward motion of the day, as the Moon in Aries pushes us to get past obstacles and get on with our lives!

The Color of the Day is SWEET POTATO. (It’s orange.) Spring into action wearing the color sweet potato today and breathing life into our inspirations!


OMTimes Astrology
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