Horoscope for Thursday, January 29, 2015
Horoscope for Thursday, January 29, 2015
Today’s going to be one with an interesting blend of planetary forces. First, of all, we’re going to be talkative. Lively conversations and exchanges of ideas are even more animated with the Moon’s transit through Gemini, coupled with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, the sign of science and adventure. In fact, with today’s Mars/Uranus angle people can become so animated that they might get themselves into situations that they never meant to be in. There may not be danger in them, but it may take some finagling to get out of them.
The Word of the Day is ENLIVEN. Without going overboard, live life to the fullest today!
The Color of the Day is RED BEAN. (It’s darker than medium red.) Wear the color of red beans today to promote zest and vitality!