Horoscope for Sunday, September 7, 2014
Horoscope for Sunday, September 7, 2014
The Sun will be opposite the asteroid, Chiron today. The Sun represents the core of our beings. Chiron’s placement shows our sore spots. The opposition indicates that something will occur today that will cause us to address these two areas and then have to make some sort of a compromise in order to move forward. People will be easily miffed, and then someone will have to concede or make adjustments to calm the situation. Otherwise the irritation will stick with us throughout the day.
The Word of the Day is PLACATE. Our quest to make our dreams come true goes off track if we don’t recognize and validate our sore spots. Sooth rough situations today.
The Color of the Day is SEA GREEN. (It’s true green with a little bit more blue than yellow.) If we wear a bit of sea green, it will allow us to find our way more clearly today.