Horoscope for Sunday, September 21, 2014
Horoscope for Sunday, September 21, 2014
Today will be quite a bit different than yesterday. Mars is square Neptune today. This will take the wind out of our sails if we try to stick to a strict schedule. Nonetheless, we’ll feel good about taking care of responsibilities and getting things done today that we hadn’t really expected to do. We’re still going to have energy; it will just be more directed at perfecting the details than taking bold action. If we use the day for creative activities we will find fulfillment.
The Word of the Day is VIGILANCE. We should not only think about things that might happen, but we should prepare and be on the lookout for them.
The Color of the Day is GREEN. (It’s the pure secondary color – a perfect blend of blue and yellow.) Mars will be causing a ruckus today as it is, so in order to tone down its effects, we should wear the color that is opposite of the fiery red color most associated with Mars.