Horoscope for Sunday, October 26, 2014
Horoscope for Sunday, October 26, 2014
Now that Mercury has resumed its direct motion, we feel organized and ready to move forward with our plans for the next few months. With today’s Moon in Sagittarius people will aspire to greater goals and make changes that will implement their dreams. Meanwhile, the planet Mars, that takes two years to orbit the Sun) will enter the sign Capricorn today for a stay until December 4. Mars in Capricorn directs our energies to meeting our responsibilities with a desire to get the job done no matter the cost. So, people will experience stronger goals and greater expectations.
The Word of the Day is COLLABORATE. Gathering our energies together to work in harmony is the best way to enjoy today, as Mars weaves its way through the zodiac.
The Color of the Day is CACTUS. (It’s light green.) To bring growth and spontaneity to the day wear the color of the self-protecting cactus.