Horoscope for Sunday, October 19, 2014
Horoscope for Sunday, October 19, 2014
The Moon will be in the analytical sign Virgo today. We’re going to be thinking about how to make things better in our lives, and about things we should do to lift our spirits. But, Mercury will be at angle to Neptune, and ideas may not turn out to be quite as reasonable as we may think they are. A Venus/Mars sextile is nearly exact throughout the day, which gives us the energy to go after what we have longed for. It would be a wonderful time to start a caring relationship.
The Word of the Day is CRAVE. We dream today about things we would like to include in our lives. We work to get what we want.
The Color of the Day is PINK. (It’s pink.) Let’s put a little bit of spunk in our drive by wearing something pink today.