Horoscope for Sunday, November 16, 2014
Horoscope for Sunday, November 16, 2014
Briefly today, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn will all be transiting the secretive, delving and private sign, Scorpio. But, then, Venus will be changing signs and entering Sagittarius for a stay until December 10. People are a little bit unclear as to where they stand in relationships on the day that Venus changes signs. (“he loves me…he loves me not…”) But after today the influence of Venus in Sagittarius indicates a time of free-spirited sensual pleasure. People should indulge in whatever makes them feel good over the next few weeks.
The Word of the Day is DELIGHT. As Venus enters the lighthearted sign, Sagittarius we indulge in fun times and circumstances!
The Color of the Day is WILD LUPINE. (It’s an airy, light violet color.) Today we want to be like the flower lupine – strong and beautiful. So, we embrace Venus’ entrance into the sign Sagittarius by finding something in our closet to match the hue of the day.