Horoscope for Sunday, February 8, 2015
Horoscope for Sunday, February 8, 2015
Venus and the asteroid Chiron will be conjunct today, both activating the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square. Astrologers regard the asteroid, Chiron in such high esteem that many believe it to be the ruler of the sign Virgo. It is thought to cause deep wounding and healing. Today, with its conjunction to Venus, a bit of melancholy may occur if we reminisce or dwell on lost relationships, past wounds, or things we lack. The Moon in Libra will try to lift our spirits to a more socially outgoing mood.
The Word of the Day is SPRITZ. Uplift the atmosphere with a little bit of bubble today!
The Color of the Day is MOCCASIN. (It’s light brown.) Tread lightly today wearing something in the color of soft moccasins.
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