Horoscope for Sunday, February 15, 2015
Horoscope for Sunday, February 15, 2015
All of a sudden today, we’re going to be able to figure out something that we can do to make our lives easier. Mars is at unusual angle to Pluto, so we could benefit by making sure that we’re aware of and take advantage of opportunities that are shown to us today. Pluto will continue to figure prominently in our day, when the Moon passes by it. We’ll feel like working harder to fulfill ourselves with the Moon in Capricorn today. This will activate our urges to control, expand, and reach the full heights of our inspirations.
The Word of the Day is ALERT. Our minds are awakened to new awareness and inspirations that propel us forward into achievement!
The Color of the Day is ULTRAMARINE. (It’s a dark purpled blue.) Today’s color is intense to attract the depth of the planetary angles that will enhance our experiences. Surrounding ourselves in ultramarine lets us build upon that stability and enjoy control.