Horoscope for Saturday, October 4, 2014
Horoscope for Saturday, October 4, 2014
Mercury will be retrograde from today until October 25. This time can be extremely helpful in propelling our lives forward after its effect has passed. Mercury rules our thoughts. While it is retrograde, we are afforded the opportunity to assimilate recently received pieces of information into their rightful places in our minds. It can be compared to organizing our files. We go through and get rid of that we really don’t need to keep, and then place the things we need in the correct area. From this, we can make inferences and draw conclusions that will guide us onward.
The Word of the Day is INTEGRATE. With Mercury now retrograde, we look back over the things we’ve wanted to add to our lives and are more able to find a place for them.
The Color of the Day is LIGHT BLUE. (It’s pure light blue.) Adjustments we’ve made can be assimilated more easily today.