Horoscope for Saturday, January 17, 2015
Horoscope for Saturday, January 17, 2015
With Venus passing by a star today, we’re going to be feeling confident in our relationships. The Moon will be void-of-course for a 17-hour period of time today. (click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone.) We could use the time to think of new approaches to the way we live, as it will occur in the fire sign, Sagittarius. This will be a perfect opportunity to behave differently so that we can get around obstacles and catch the eye of our aspirations. With greater ease than usual, we can break away from a stale pattern of routine under a void-of-course Moon.
The Word of the Day is SUCCUMB. Let love wash through our minds today, lifting our spirits to enthralling heights!
The Color of the Day is CREAMSICLE. (It’s frothy light orange.) Capture the love that permeates the atmosphere today, by wearing something in the color of the delicious creamsicle.