Horoscope for Saturday, February 7, 2015
Horoscope for Saturday, February 7, 2015
A beautiful angle between Venus and Pluto guides our day! It will give opportunities for us to take charge of situations that will offer us comfort and security. The changes that we’re probably going to make may represent a diversion in the way we normally do things. This is because the Moon will be void-of-course for a long time and Mercury is still retrograde. Click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone. Mercury’s condition urges us to do a lot of introspective thinking, so we can sort out the experiences we’ve had over the past few months and organize knowledge in our minds.
The Word of the Day is REFUGE. We take care to ensure stability in the face of change today.
The Color of the Day is BISQUE. (It’s tinged pink.) Today we make transitions while keeping moods light by wearing something in the color bisque.