Horoscope for Saturday, August 23, 2014
Horoscope for Saturday, August 23, 2014
he Sun will be entering Virgo today, for its month’s stay. The energy of Virgo will cause us to make adjustments in our lives, so that we are assured that our situations are working. We become more versatile than we had been, with increased ability to single out areas of our lives that need fixing, and to go about making the necessary repairs. We can better process the information we receive during the Sun’s stay in Virgo, recognizing that which is of importance, and weeding out what is not. Each sign of the zodiac stimulates our growth in its individual manner. Virgo teaches us assimilation, discrimination, and application.
The Word of the Day is PURPOSE. We move forward with intent today.
The Color of the Day is PEPPERMINT. (It’s a true leafy green!) Wear the green of peppermint, the color of growth and stimulation. Over the next month, with ease we can oversee our projects and make critical adjustments while expanding our horizons.