Horoscope for Saturday, August 2, 2014
Horoscope for Saturday, August 2, 2014
Mercury is conjunct Jupiter today. They’re both too close to the Sun right now for us to be able to see them, but their effect is strong, nonetheless. Mercury is our planet that rules intelligence and communication. Jupiter likes to take things to a larger level. So, today our thoughts and ideas will be grander than usual. People will want to talk about their dreams and insights. With the Moon void-of-course, we probably won’t mind distractions today. (But be sure to check click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone before doing any scheduling for the day.)
The Word of the Day is PHRASE. Express ourselves brightly today!
The Color of the Day is FORGET-ME-NOT. (It’s delicate blue.) Our lofty spirits will be activated today if we wear the color of the forget-me-not flowers.