Horoscope for Monday, November 17, 2014
Horoscope for Monday, November 17, 2014
Mercury will be at angle to the asteroid, Chiron today. The effect that this has is that we are urged to talk out our problems with people who can help us resolve them and/or those who are the source of the conflict. Meanwhile, Mars will be passing by a star today, giving us stability and consistent strength to handle any circumstances that might arise. The only caution is that the Moon will be void-of-course for about seven hours today, so we should allow extra time for activities. Click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone.
The Word of the Day is INCORPORATE. Today is one during which we need to pay attention to details to create a workable path.
The Color of the Day is SAGE. (It’s grayed green.) Keep our wits about us today, as we handle complexities. Wear something in the color sage.