Horoscope for Monday, January 26, 2015
Horoscope for Monday, January 26, 2015
Venus, in its last day in Aquarius, will be at angle to the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square. People will be more compulsive and obsessive than usual about people they love and things they cherish. We want to be in control. The Sun and Neptune will be at angle to each other today that will produce some interestingly varied responses from people. The Sun directs who we are and Neptune directs who we want to be. Today, both are viewing situations from different perspectives, so we’re not exactly sure which move is the correct one to make. We may make none at all.
The Word of the Day is WAKEFULNESS. The boundaries between fantasy and reality blur today, but our musings should not be thwarted.
The Color of the Day is CLOUD. (It’s fluffy white.) The blending of all colors into white and then to disseminate is a function of Neptune’s power. Wear the color cloud today to feel the inspiration!