Horoscope for Monday, February 16, 2015
Horoscope for Monday, February 16, 2015
Today we experience an urge to master deficiencies in our lives that we find annoying. The challenge is to find a way to set our plans into motion. The complication is that Jupiter and the asteroid, Chiron are at an angle that clouds our focus. We’ll want to move forward, but we won’t really know which direction to take. With the Moon’s transit of the sign Capricorn we may be a bit too hard on ourselves. Things will clear up when these transits pass.
The Word of the Day is DIGRESSION. To stabilize our positions, like the roots of a tree, we have to branch out from time to time.
The Color of the Day is COCOA. (It’s dark brown.) Call upon the strength of the Moon’s position and take charge today wearing something in the color of cocoa.