Weekly Rune Reading for May 4, 2014
Past Life Regression With The Angels Meditation

Horoscope for May 3, 2014

Horoscope for May 3, 2014

Venus will enter the sign Aries today for a stay throughout the month. It is sort of a discordant placement because Venus likes to indulge us in leisurely behavior, and Aries likes to get us moving. The way to handle the next month best is to utilize our energies by beautifying our environment, finding ways to make our lives more comfortable, and by going after the things we want. The Moon will be travelling through the sign Cancer today. We’ll find our focus cast on home and family today.

The Word of the Day is COMPLETE. Venus, the planet of love, enters Aries, the sign of the challenger, today to urge us to strive for what we want.

The Color of the Day is COTTON CANDY. (It’s fluffy light pink.) We feel the heat of competition, and by wearing the color of cotton candy, we grasp the positive effects of the energy of the day.



Close up shot of astrological clock in Piazza San Marco, Venice

OMTimes Astrology
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