Horoscope for May 16, 2014
All of yesterday’s angles remain, so can continue to capitalize on our enhanced abilities to access creative and unusual ideas that will further our lives’ progress. But, the Moon will be in Sagittarius today, so we’ll be way more optimistic about the results of our actions than we were yesterday. With the continuing Mercury/Venus/Uranus angle, communication should be good, especially with people who mean a lot to us. Things may pop out in conversation that we’ll find inspiring or useful, or that will show us different ways to make things easier for ourselves.
The Word of the Day is CONQUER. We can overcome whatever ails us thrusting ourselves into action as the Moon enters Sagittarius today.
The Color of the Day is GIRAFFE’S TONGUE. (It’s very dark purple.) Stick your neck out today, wearing something in the color of a giraffe’s tongue to enjoy the inspiration of Sagittarius.