Horoscope for Friday, September 26, 2014
Horoscope for Friday, September 26, 2014
Today’s atmosphere is going to feel quite a bit different than earlier this week. First of all, the Moon has moved into Scorpio. This is a sign that slows our pace, and will give us a sense that we want to take control. Mercury, in difficult aspect to the asteroid Chiron, may cause us to dwell on our inadequacies. But, Mercury will also be making a quick angle to Pluto that will momentarily show us a way to make a change that will benefit our goals. As soon as we recognize the thing to do, we should take advantage of it.
The Word of the Day is DETOUR. The fun of today is that we will be distracted from what we had thought we ought to do, and instead will engage ourselves in overcoming our limitations.
The Color of the Day is INK. (It’s black.) Wearing the color of black ink will add to the fluidity of our thoughts and actions today.