Horoscope for Friday, October 3, 2014
Horoscope for Friday, October 3, 2014
This is going to be a day during which we’ll take pleasure in seeing how pieces of puzzles fit together. The Moon will be transiting the inquisitive, scientific sign Aquarius, while Venus and Neptune will be making an angle to each other that will cause us to engage our higher thought processes. We’ll want to place things correctly in our minds, but there may be differences between what we perceive and what reality actually is. Mercury is stationary- retrograde , meaning that it appears that the planet is not moving in our sky. It creates a little bit of confusion with the direction of our thoughts.
The Word of the Day is PROFICIENCY. Feel as though we are capable of higher aptitudes of intelligence today.
The Color of the Day is GINGER. (It’s spicy golden.) The zest of the day will be brought out the best if we wear something in the piquant color ginger.