Horoscope for Friday, October 10, 2014
Horoscope for Friday, October 10, 2014
Today we’re going to be feeling quite different than we were earlier this week. The Sun and Jupiter are making a beautiful angle to each other today that will offer us opportunities for growth and self fulfillment. Situations will seem to hold great significance today. Retrograde Mercury will be re-entering the sign Libra, where it will stay for another month. Libra is the sign that helps us relate, and Mercury guides our minds. While Mercury is retrograde in Libra, we’ll be looking back at our involvement in relationships with not just people, but everything else in our world.
The Word of the Day is FUNCTION. Putting actions and thoughts together in an organized fashion will help keep order and purpose in our lives today as we are in the throes of retrograde Mercury.
The Color of the Day is ALABASTER. (It’s white.) Lighten the astrological energy of the day by wearing the color of the mineral alabaster.
“. Retrograde Mercury will be re-entering the sign Libra, where it will stay for another month” WOW the Universe is Changing, I have never before known retrograde Mercury to last more than 21 days. Help us please, Mercury retrograde until November 10? oh my