Horoscope for Friday, November 21, 2014
Horoscope for Friday, November 21, 2014
The Sun and Moon will be in Scorpio for one last day, before they move on to their New Moon status tomorrow. People will be expressing themselves in dramatic or fatalistic ways today. Not only that, but a Mars/Neptune aspect will attempt to dissuade any serious efforts that we may have thought we’d be able to make today. However, Mercury and Mars will be at angle to each other too, making people adventurous and compulsive. Input from others can be greatly beneficial to our plans, so we should listen, but remember that our own instincts know what is best for us.
The Word of the Day is EXPLORE. We feel the need to fulfill our curiosities by getting out and doing things.
The Color of the Day is HEMATITE. (It’s hard gray with red undertones.) Call upon the physical strength of the day by wearing something in the color of the mineral, hematite.
right right xo