Horoscope for Friday, January 23, 2015
Horoscope for Friday, January 23, 2015
The Sun will be sextile Saturn, which influences us to do our best work and gives us the ability to care for our responsibilities more easily than we have been. But, it might be a struggle because the Moon will be void-of-course all day. The fact of this being in the sign Pisces makes us dreamy and inattentive. Click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone. Insights and other forms of awareness may come to us through daydreams, music or art. It is certainly a day to refresh our spirituality and take a look at the things we need to do (even though we may not do them) without trying to stick to a routine or to keep appointments and schedules.
The Word of the Day is SKI. We need to prepare ourselves physically in order to take charge and find our way with ease.
The Color of the Day is MAROON. (It’s dark red.) Wear something in the color maroon today to bring out today’s benevolent effects.