Horoscope for Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Horoscope for Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Today will be a day that people probably will not be sitting placidly. There is a long-running aspect between Saturn and Uranus that is reaching its peak of effectiveness. Saturn is the planet that holds things in, and Uranus is the one that wants to run free. There are many cases where the two can work together well, but this month people will be feeling the conflict. Venus and Jupiter will be making an angle to each other in our sky today, too causing peoples’ moods to become extreme. Some people will be very happy; others may not feel quite so good. But, the Moon’s transit through Sagittarius will be an uplifting force throughout the day.
The Word of the Day is CLOUT. Use our talents and spirits to take control over the day.
The Color of the Day is METAL FLAKE BROWN. (It’s a glistening brown.) Sparkle in subtle strength today wearing something in the color of brown with metal flakes in it.