Horoscope for Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Horoscope for Wednesday, April 29, 2015
This is going to be a day that we will feel really good if we’ve made a reasonable effort to get what we want. The Moon will be in Virgo, which will heighten our analytical abilities and give us solutions to whatever may challenge us. To look for explanations and resolutions would be a good way to spend our energies today. Venus will still be conjunct a star that will persuade us to swim through rough waters to be successful. We could take a chance on love today – it might not be easy, but we could surely be triumphant!
The Word of the Day is ROBUST. Today is a day to open our minds to possibilities with conviction.
The Color of the Day is COSMOS. (It’s true pink.) Wear the color of the deceptively delicate looking flower cosmos today to keep a strong heart.