Horoscope for Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Horoscope for Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Mercury, the planet that facilitates good communication is going to be conjunct Mars and trine Pluto today, which means that Mars is also trine Pluto. These aspects will give us great ideas on how best to spend our energy. We’ll figure out ways to go and get what we want. The Moon’s transit of the sign Gemini has activated our imaginations over the past day or so. But, before the Moon leaves the airy, intellectual sign Gemini it will be void-of-course for an unusually lengthy period of time today. (click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone.) This will distract us from schedules, leaving us open to explore daydreams. Ideas will flow, and interesting conversations can be had!
The Word of the Day is ALOFT. Feel the atmosphere of the day lifting our spirits!
The Color of the Day is VENETIAN RED. (It’s a dark red.) Making changes in the way we do things will be a lot easier today if we wear a bit of Venetian red, which is earthier and darker than crimson.