Horoscope for Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Horoscope for Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Venus, the planet of love, and the one that presides over all of our relationships will be making a couple of angles today. With the Venus/Mercury angle people may want to take steps to iron out problems that they might have in relationships. They’ll want to talk about their ideas, especially since the Moon will be in Virgo and it will be a time of asking questions and wanting answers. This will coincide beautifully with Venus’ other angle, which is to the asteroid Chiron. If we’ve been wounded by relationships that have been broken, we take steps toward healing. Scars form and our hearts begin to lighten.
The Word of the Day is ASSEMBLE. Today’s astrological influences strengthen our minds and bodies so that we can pull all of our resources together to advance.
The Color of the Day is AMBER. (It’s a bit more muted than tangerine.) To attract the strength, cooperation and love that the day offers, amber is the perfect color to wear today!