Horoscope for Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Horoscope for Tuesday, May 26, 2015
There’s a Mars/ Neptune angle that will be in effect over the next couple of days. Neptune wants everything to flow in a silky, smooth way, but Mars likes us to focus our energies and to tackle projects in an aggressive manner. When the two are at odds, things and people in our care dig their heels in, and we get frustrated and look for escape routes. The best way to deal with these few days is to keep our focus on what we can control and hope for the rest to take care of itself. With the Moon in Virgo changes should be well thought out before being placed into action
The Word of the Day is MANEUVER. Plan ahead to make the moves that will lead into the most satisfying outcome today.
The Color of the Day is PIGEON. (It’s medium gray.) Wear the color pigeon gray today to attract energy from the planets that promote flexibility.