Horoscope for Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Horoscope for Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Yesterday’s enthusiasm quiets a bit today as our focus gets distracted from the main path that we had intended to take. First of all, Mercury will be making an angle to the asteroid, Chiron that makes people forget how hurtful words can be sometimes, and how healing they can be at others. Many of us will subconsciously steer ourselves away from interactions with other people. While that is going on, the Moon will be void-of-course. (click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone.) The Moon is in Leo, the sign that makes us feel strongest about ourselves and our motivations. It will be a perfect opportunity to explore unusual, paths to self-fulfillment. If we thoroughly engage ourselves, when the day is over we’ll feel satisfied and be able to rest easy.
The Word of the Day is RELINQUISH. Set self-indulgent thoughts aside today.
The Color of the Day is BETTA BLUE. (It’s a sparkly blue.) Flutter by spiky things today wearing something in the color of the blue Betta fish.