Horoscope for Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Horoscope for Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Mars and Uranus are approaching a conjunction with each other. An added influence is that they will be passing a star that will further illuminate them. (We may be able to see this 3-way conjunction just after sunset in the western sky. – Venus will be just above them.) Freedom of movement and ability to motivate ourselves are the opportunities of the day. It would be a wonderful time to start a new exercise program, or just to enjoy the fresh air during a bike ride on a cool country road. The Moon in Scorpio adds an undercurrent of steady action to guide us through our day.
The Word of the Day is ATTEND. People become aware of the existence of others and their contributions to the world today.
The Color of the Day is CRANBERRY. (It’s light, bright red.) Catch the eye of important people today, wearing something in the color cranberry!