Horoscope for Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Horoscope for Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Another highly unusual day is ours to be enjoyed! First of all, at long last, Mercury will be going direct today! We can now expect to receive the important communications we’ve been waiting for. Those of us who experience mechanical failures during retrograde Mercury periods will find some relief from the past few weeks’ difficulties. For the coming week the Sun and Venus won’t be seeing quite eye-to-eye, and our desire to fulfill our own lives may come in conflict with people who are important to us.
The Word of the Day is SURMOUNT. Take charge today and enjoy renewed energy, as we attain some relief from yesterday’s stagnation. Mercury’s direct motion sets out thoughts into action!
The Color of the Day is XANADU. (It’s a greened gray.) Growth and expectations permeate the air today. Wearing the color Xanadu will strengthen us.