Horoscope for Thursday, March 5, 2015
Horoscope for Thursday, March 5, 2015
This is shaping up to be a dynamic week! There will be a Full Moon today, as the Sun in Pisces opposes the Moon in Virgo. The couple of days surrounding the Full Moon energize us to finish up tasks and projects that we had been working on. With the Moon in Virgo, we will want to make sure that all of the details are accurate and accounted for, and with the Sun in Pisces, we will make certain that the project looks presentable. People will want to be making a lot of changes over the next few days.
The Word of the Day is PERFECTION. The Full Moon combines the signs Virgo and Pisces – the stickler and the artist, which together create the ideal outcome.
The Color of the Day is CANARY YELLOW. (It’s bright yellow.) Fly to higher heights today with the energy of the Full Moon, finding that things go that much easier if we wear the color canary yellow.