Horoscope for Thursday, April 30, 2015
Horoscope for Thursday, April 30, 2015
We’re going to be feeling light-hearted and as though we can take steps to enhance our lives today. A Sun/Neptune angle will allow us to objectively consider facets of our lives that we want to turn around into something good. The Moon is in Libra today, which is the most harmonizing and social sign of the zodiac. People want to be fair while the Moon is in Libra. This is the reason that people get along so much better when the Moon is there – we want to listen to what people have to say as much as we want to engage them in our lives.
The Word of the Day is TWIRL. Solutions can be found by taking the rough edges out of situations.
The Color of the Day is LEMON QUARTZ. (It’s rich, clear yellow.) Wear the color of the gemstone, lemon quartz today to show strength through kindness.