Horoscope for Sunday, May 3, 2015
Horoscope for Sunday, May 3, 2015
Today will be a day when we should really stop and think before we speak. People are going to consider sharing the imaginative thoughts they dreamed up yesterday. But, our feelings will be directed more inward and feel more private than usual, because of the Moon in Scorpio. Mars will conjunct Capulus (a nebula) causing us to focus our actions clearly and decisively, possibly resulting in ruthless encounters. With Mercury in opposition to Saturn, the thoughts we have are solid, but we may have difficulty expressing them unless we take the time to formulate them correctly.
The Word of the Day is INTERNAL. Look beneath the surface to find things that need to be tweaked today.
The Color of the Day is TAR. (It’s black.) Wear the color of fresh tar to add core strength and inner drive to the day.