Horoscope for Sunday, May 24, 2015
Horoscope for Sunday, May 24, 2015
The Moon will be void-of-course for much of the day in most of the world. (click here for our Void-Of-Course-Moon schedule for your time zone.) The Moon is in Leo, the sign that makes us feel strongest about ourselves and our motivations. Leo is playful too, and since the void-of-course Moon period can’t stand regiment, it will be a perfect opportunity to explore unusual, lighthearted paths to self-fulfillment. There will be moments throughout the day today, however, when we can take a glimpse inside at what we perceive to be our own identities and be able to direct ourselves away from whatever may be thwarting us. This is because of an unusual angle between the Sun and the asteroid, Chiron .
The Word of the Day is OVERLOOK. It is just not worth it to dwell on things that could dampen our spirits today.
The Color of the Day is SHITAKE. (It’s rich brown.) Wear the color of shitake mushrooms to add delicacy and strength to the day.