Horoscope for Saturday, May 2, 2015
Horoscope for Saturday, May 2, 2015
Mercury continues making itself known today, with angles to Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, the asteroid Chiron, and a star today. If we’re observant we can take advantage of a creative thought that pops into our minds. These angles will give us fresh new ideas and innovative ways to figure out the solutions to our challenges. On a day like today, when Mercury comes to a 72 degree angle with Jupiter, we may experience a daydream or inspiration that will show us a way to grow – to take ourselves beyond our everyday routine for a bit so we can develop additional confidence to enter territories we had not yet considered.
The Word of the Day is IMAGINE. Our minds are filled with free thoughts that we can capture and take advantage of!
The Color of the Day is QUICKSILVER. (It’s light silver metallic.) Tap into the astrological exhilaration of the day by wearing something in the color quicksilver.