Horoscope for Saturday, March 14, 2015
Horoscope for Saturday, March 14, 2015
Saturn will be turning retrograde today until August. During the next few months we will be reviewing the progress we have attained and the lessons we’ve learned since Saturn last began its direct motion eight months ago. We will look back upon the responsibilities that we have taken on, and decide whether it would be beneficial for us to keep them, let them go, or to revise them. (Maybe we could do more with our lives; maybe we are doing too much). The next five months will be a time to evaluate.
The Word of the Day is ACCOUNTABILITY. Now that Saturn is retrograde we can celebrate the changes we’ve made to our work and progress we’ve made with our responsibilities.
The Color of the Day is CEDAR. (It’s medium brown tinged slightly with red.) Welcome Saturn’s retrograde motion by wearing something in the sturdy, steadfast color, cedar today.