Horoscope for Saturday, February 28, 2015
Horoscope for Saturday, February 28, 2015
The sign Cancer is one that gets things started. It’s not like Aries where we jump in the car and go, but plans initiate under a Cancer influence when we get emotionally involved with things. Maybe something has upset us and we want to take action, or maybe we’ve fallen in love and want to do something about it. The Moon is in Cancer today, so we will see things happen. Meanwhile, retrograde Jupiter has moved into aspect with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square. Throughout this coming week we will feel like we’re being showered with the promise of good fortune and a feeling of liberation!.
The Word of the Day is INSPIRE. The things we do; the things we dream; the things we talk about will all give a feeling of lightness and spiritual fulfillment today!
The Color of the Day is COBALT BLUE. (It’s a true blue with a splash of purple.) We should take full advantage of this day of destiny by wearing cobalt blue to access it best.