Horoscope for Monday, May 4, 2015
Horoscope for Monday, May 4, 2015
We will have a Full Moon today, with the Moon and Sun in opposing signs that make us resistant to change. The Moon in the introverted and secretive sign, Scorpio, and the Sun in the materialistic sign, Taurus, guide us towards self indulgence and attract us to things that will make us feel good. Full Moons usually make people want to finish up projects that they have been working on during the past Moon cycle. We’re going to have an added amount of energy for that, because Jupiter will be involved in the Full Moon’s angle. This will urge us to plan ways to make our dreams come true.
The Word of the Day is HARNESS. Steer the direction of the day by taking control of the reins.
The Color of the Day is INDIAN PIPE. (It’s waxy white.) The translucent color of the flower Indian Pipe collects an array of energies. Wear some of this color today to stay strong.